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National Novel Writing Month
NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month is almost here. Starting at midnight on November 1, about 400,000 writers on six continents will...

Researching Fiction
It's easy to see how research would be needed when writing non-fiction. You need to get your facts right. But what about fiction? You're...

On Tragedy
Lately I've been thinking about Arthurian legends and stories, particularly T. H. White's masterpiece The Once and Future King. That, in...

How the story grows
While trying to promote my recently published book, Uncommon Counsel, I am also busy planning for the next one. As I've written about...

Am I weird?
Am I weird? Don't answer that (I already know I am). One of my favorite parts of writing a novel is the research that goes into it. (I'm...

Independence Day?
So it's been almost a month since Uncommon Counsel came out, my first published book. Sales so far have been frankly better than I...

Livelines, not Deadlines
Writing, like everything else, is filled with deadlines. Things have to be done by a certain date or you might as well not even have...

Today is the day!
This is it, the long awaited Publication Date. Uncommon Counsel is officially published as of today. In some ways it feels like the end...

T-minus Two Weeks
Today is the official "On Sale" date for Uncommon Counsel, and two weeks from today, June 5, is the "Publication Date." What do these...

Keeping the fires burning
Today is the first of May, Beltane, the Celtic holiday that marks the beginning of Summer. For me it also marks the beginning of serious...
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